
Gültepe Veterinary Clinic is a veterinary health center founded by Abdurrahim Acar in Ortabayır Neighborhood in June 2014.

Gültepe Veteriner Kliniği fotoğrafı


Gültepe Veterinary Clinic is a veterinary health center founded by Abdurrahim Acar in Ortabayır Neighborhood in June 2014.

Gültepe Veterinary Clinic is a veterinary health center founded by Abdurrahim Acar in Ortabayır Neighborhood in June 2014.

Our Clinic's Establishment

While creating the necessary infrastructure and equipment for our clinic, a modern facility was constructed. Our clinic utilizes the latest technology, including advanced veterinary equipment and digital patient record systems.

Infrastructure and Equipment

The doctors serving in our clinic are equipped with high knowledge, experience, and expertise in their fields.

Doctor Quality

Our veterinary clinic goes beyond basic veterinary health services by offering specialized care and treatment options. In this context, we provide special services such as surgical interventions, dental care, emergency care, and laboratory tests.

Service Variety

Our Services